Category Archives: Photo Albums1

Apple Social 2017


To Everything There Is a Season

The all-church Apple Social was held the afternoon of September 24th, and the enthusiasm for picking and pressing the apples was undiminished by the unseasonable heat! Hosted by Bob & Kathy Munson, this event has become one eagerly anticipated by all ages. Several gallons of oh-my-good cider was made and distributed to eager workers, along with Kathy’s beautifully packaged homemade apple-shaped cookies.

Opening their beautiful garden-strewn property to us all, it was delightful to see youngsters and not-so-youngsters strolling to the Fairy Garden, to the Peace Garden, darting to and fro in the orchard, watching fish in the pond, and resting on the many benches and seats.

    20170924_15283620170924_14531620170924_143702We were extravagantly welcomed and loved!



And here are a few more photos from this fun afternoon. Click the arrows below the photos to scroll through the album:[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”17″ gal_title=”Apple Orchard Social 2017″]

Children on first Sunday of Advent

On November 29, the first Sunday in Advent, the children brought in evergreen branches to place around the Advent candles. They also sang “Light One Candle” with the choir, then helped with an Advent reading, and finally, lit the first Advent candle of hope.

Click the arrows under the photo to scroll through the album.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”9″ gal_title=”First Sunday of Advent, 2015″]