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< 2017 >
January 8
  • 08

    Baptism of Christ Sunday

    All day

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    Open & Affirming Meeting with a Potluck Lunch after Worship

    11:00 am-1:00 pm

    On Sunday, January 8th, following worship, please join us for a potluck lunch and a meeting, as we begin to discern what Open and Affirming would look like in this congregation, should we decide to take that step! This will be a time to learn, as well as to share our  own thoughts and opinions with each other. We’ll be addressing questions like, what does  “affirming” mean exactly, and would we have to fly a flag, and why does  any church need to do this?  We will look in detail at what other  churches have done and at what is required.

    Please plan to attend (and bring a potluck item to share if you can), and encourage others to attend  as well–this meeting will be the main introductory educational opportunity about Open and Affirming. It is very important that no matter how we proceed, it’s a good fit for our congregation, so every voice is a very important one in the process! (If you are not able to attend the meeting but have questions, please contact Marcia Tomlinson or Bridget Peters.)