What Children Gain by Being Part of a Church
Rev. Thomas Cary Kinder
Bradford Congregational Church, UCC, Bradford, Vermont
Here is a partial, random list of benefits that children gain (and therefore their families and communities and the world gain) by their growing up as part of a church. Please feel free to share this list with others. Please add to this list by sending suggestions of other benefits to bradfordvtucc@gmail.com. Children gain in church:
- appreciation for the beauty, power and joy of singing and music;
- practice public speaking and performing;
- spiritual literacy, scriptural familiarity and an introduction to ethical, moral and religious values and virtues;
- the knowledge of why and how to pray;
- the experience of what faith communities and worship services are like, so wherever they go in life they will be able to walk into a house of worship with comfort and confidence;
- the knowledge that anytime in their lives when they need comfort, guidance, strength, inspiration, community, a way to serve or a new life, church is a place to turn;
- the desire to give their children all the gifts that church gave them when they were children;
- a group of peers who share qualities like kindness, fairness, respect, compassion and service;
- the feeling of being an important part of a multigenerational community where they are loved and respected and affirmed;
- a sense of belonging to a greater whole—including all other people of faith and all God’s creation;
- the love of a beautiful, spirit-filled church building, and the knowledge of how to be stewards of it and share it with others;
- the good feeling of working together leading and serving the community in Christ-like ways;
- awareness of the Biblical commitment to take care of those in need and to work for justice and peace.
Below are a few photos taken on Children’s Sunday, May 22, 2016.