Upcoming Service Notes July 23, 2017

This Sunday, July 23rd we welcome to our pulpit the Rev. Neil Wilson* whose  focal point for the service will be based on Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43.  Rev. Wilson said of this weedy parable:

pigweedWhen I was a child we had to “weed” the garden before we could go swimming in the afternoon.  I remember one hot day in my exuberance and dreaming of floating on the old innertube in the cool water, I weeded a whole row of pigweed.

Except it wasn’t pigweed but a row of young radishes!  (I don’t think I went swimming at all that week!)

In the parable of the Weeds in the Wheat Jesus portrays the Kingdom of Heaven, of which today’s church is a sign and symbol, as a mixed-bag reality.  And like that young fellow, so intent on his own interests, we cannot often tell the weeds from the wheat.  In our desire to make things neat and tidy we may not recognize the potential young plants in our midst.

I for one thank God that I am not asked to distinguish between those who are “in” and those who are “out.”

I never like weeding anyway!  And I have since learned that young pigweed leaves are edible!

A quote from Thomas Henry Huxley, a biologist and staunch supporter of Darwin:  “What would become of the gardener if the gardener treated all the weeds and slugs and birds and trespassers as [he] would like to be treated, if [he] were in there place?”

This week’s hymns (click on them to hear): O Worship the King, All Glorious Above (based on Psalm 104), Lord, Speak to Meand O God in Whom All Life Begins is the title of the lyrics by Carl P. Daw, sung to the familiar English tune of Noel as arranged by A. S. Sullivan (of Gilbert and Sullivan fame).

This week’s meditation: “Develop your sense of perspective. When everything around you looks like weeds, remember: From the heavens, all is a garden.” – Philip Toshio Sudo in Zen Guitar

From Organist John Atwood, this Sunday will include:
Prelude: “Under the Linden [Basswood] Green” by Jan P. Sweelinck
Offertory: “Christ Who is My Life” by J. G. Walther
Postlude: “We All Believe in One God” BWV 1098 by J. S. Bach

*Important note: on the 23rd and the 30th we are providing a “neutral pulpit” for a fellow Vermont Conference church. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear a voice from outside of our immediate community and it is an opportunity for that church’s search committee to experience the candidate leading worship and giving a sermon.

Want to find out how this all fits together?
Come to church on Sunday!

Children are welcomed into our service and will go to Sunday School after leading the congregation in the Lord’s Prayer.

Filling our pulpit in July and August:
23rd – Rev. Neil Wilson
30th – Rev. Elisa Lucozzi
6th – Rev. David Pruitt
13th – Cass Poulos
20th – Rev. Michael Caldwell

Looking forward … Organist and Choir Director John Atwood reports August will be a musically diverse month with Michael Zsoldas playing his soprano saxophone, some works of Bach jazzed up! It will be exciting to hear his renditions of “Air on a G string”, “Joy of man’s desiring”, and “Air in A minor.” In addition they will play Avant Guard pieces entitled “Two meditations on ‘Wondrous Love'” arranged by Ronald Perera, again, with jazz improvisations by Mr. Zsoldas. Also in August there will be at least one other Sunday with a flute soloist, and one with Trumpet, but neither of these is yet finalized.

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation.

Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here.